1- Handout: My Family Can Be Forever (Graphic 1) Print one card for each child. Color and cut. Have the child write what they can do to strengthen their family. 2- Object Lesson: Tree of Life (Graphics 2-5) Print the graphics. Color and cut. For the lesson, assemble the tree and put the leaves and apples on the tree. Lehi told his family about the tree of life and that he desired all of his family to partake of the fruit because he loved them all very much. If we want to stay close to our family and partake of the fruit with them there are certain things that we must do. Have the children pick an apple off the tree and tell how they can live the principle on their apple 3- Treat Tag: By your fruits (Graphic 6) Print one tag for each child. Color and cut. Tie to a fruit roll-up. 4- Game: Love and compassion. (Graphics 7-12) Print the 16 cards. Fold and glue as directed to make the cards (Laminate if desired). Write “Love and compassion can strengthen my family” on the board. Using poster putty, stick the cards to cover your writing. Make sure the cards are in order to make the picture. Have the children take turns coming up and turning two cards over. If they get a match, remove those two cards. Continue until they have uncovered your message. Challenge the children to be kind to the members of their family. 5- Singing Time Ideas: Clown (Graphics 13-14) Print the clown on card stock. Color and cut. Write the songs that you want to sing on small strips of paper and put them in balloons. Blow up the balloons. (NOTE: Do not blow the balloon up very big. If you don’t put too much air in them, they don’t make a loud noise when you pop them.) Tie yarn to the balloons. Using poster putty, attach the clown to the board. Tape the balloons around the board, but have all the strings come down and go through the hole in the clown’s hand. Tell the children that one way we can strengthen our families is by participating in wholesome activities together. Ask for an idea of an example of a wholesome activity. When a child has an answer, let them come and pick a balloon. Pop the balloon to see what song is inside. Encourage the children to participate in wholesome recreation with their families.